Jury awards
The jury awarded the following prizes and honourable mentions:
1st Prize
“Appropriation of Time” by Ana de Sousa, Carla Almeida, José Pedro Mendonça, Sofia Gameiro, Tatiana Monteiro, and Tatiana Mota
Honourable Mentions
“A Wake-Up Call” by Inês Nascimento
“Oasis of Education” by Jerónimo Pérez Salazar Ruano, Imara Lidgett and Daniel Fernando Chica Estrella
The Jury of DPIc for 2023:
The jury was composed by 5 people, 3 of whom are Editors of scopio Magazine AAI, a student representing AEFAUP & COLETIVO PARTE, and the Guest Jury who is a Professor, Researcher, as well as an Artist and Curator expert in the field of arts.
· Fátima Viera (Editor / FLUP / CETAPS)
· Maria Neto (Editor / CEAU / FAUP – UBI)
· José Carneiro (Editor / FBAUP / ID+ / i2ADS)
· Pedro Maia (Guest Jury / ULP / FCAATI / Arq.ID)
About the jury’s evaluation
The collective decision of the Jury, after voting all the submissions, was to give the first prize to “Appropriation of Time” and two honourable mentions to “A Wake-Up Call” and “Oasis of Education”. In overall terms, it can be observed that the submissions that obtained the highest scores share a harmonious equilibrium among three key dimensions: the originality of the project’s concept (idea), the cogency of its rationale (written explanation), and the effectiveness of its visual presentation (imagery).
All preselected submissions (Read image clockwise starting from top left)
“Appropriation of Time” by Ana de Sousa, Carla Almeida, José Pedro Mendonça, Sofia Gameiro, Tatiana Monteiro, and Tatiana Mota
“A Wake-Up Call” by Inês Nascimento
“Oasis of Education” by Jerónimo Pérez Salazar Ruano, Imara Lidgett and Daniel Fernando Chica Estrella
“Verdant Future” by Carolina Cunha, Duarte Amaral, Guilherme Ferreira, Matilde Oliveira, Mariana Afonso, Pedro Martins
“The Towers of Madness” by Ana Beatriz Oliveira, Inês Juliana Moura, Ivan Santos Ferreira, Matilde Vinagre, Océane Ribeiro, Augusto Savioli
“Per.me.á.vel” by Ana Lima Torres Matos Andrade, Jéssica Filipa Pinto Teixeira, Rui Alexandre de Mendonça Rodrigues Salgado Ramos, Sofia Monteiro Santos
“Underground Architecture” by Afonso Mendes, Barbara Nunes, Catarina Reis, Catarina Reis, Laura Nunes
“Hirade” Ana Pontes, by Ana Sofia Miranda, Bruna Pires, Daniel Figueiras, Maria Eduarda Hirade and Rodrigo Ferreira
“Cages” António Leite, by Carolina Andrade, Duarte Sousa, Luís Bouça e Raquel Guedes
“Towers over the Douro by ” António Freitas, Camila Silva, Maria Barbosa, Sara Mesquita e Tiago Correia
“Playground” by António Ramalho, Rodrigo Encarnação, Simão Alves
We are currently in the third edition (2024) of the International Drawing and Photography Contest (DPIc), a competition integrated in scopio Magazine Architecture, Art and Image publication being directed towards the Identity of Universities spaces of teaching experience and work and open to all academic communities, both in Portugal and abroad.
The contest has the joint coordination of the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU), the R&D Center of Architecture School of the University of Porto (FAUP), the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies of the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (CETAPS/FLUP), i2ADS – Institute of Research in Art, Design and Society is a R&D unit based at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP) and Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture [ID+] and the Institute Arquitecture and Development (Arq.ID) based at University Lusófona of Porto. It also has he institutional support of U.Porto’s Rectorate and in partnership with AEFAUP, counting with the support of other Student Associations of U.Porto.
The main ideas present in the contest Drawing and Photography Contest (DPIc) integrated in- Architecture, Art and Image – UTOPIA is to open the Universities to the Civil Society through Drawing and Photography projects, showcasing the multifaceted richness of activities, experiences and architectures related to the Learning institutions and its diverse spaces of experience and work.
Deadline for the submission of projects: 31 of July, 2024
The main ideas present in the international contest Drawing and Photography Contest (DPIc) integrated in scopio Architecture, Art and Image – UTOPIA is to open the Universities to the Civil Society through Drawing and Photography projects, showcasing the multifaceted richness of activities, experiences and architectures related to the Learning institutions and its diverse spaces of experience and work.
Thus, the core theme of the contest is the idea of Utopia and Visual Spaces of Change, focusing on the spaces and identities of the Universities, being Visual Spaces of Change the scopio Architecture, Art and Image Journal section focused in the use of photography and other visual media for researching, documenting and analysing different aspects of architecture, city and territory transformations.
The candidates, individually or as a team, should creatively explore the universe of Drawing and Photography communicating, on the one hand, an added and comprehensive understanding about each Faculty and the way it relates to the City through a critical and poetic gaze about the spaces and experiences that characterize and identify them, revealing facets that before were invisible or forgotten. On the other hand, offer a prospective and utopian gaze about these spaces of research work and teaching, which means a project where drawing and the photography are present and inform the design of the creator as instruments of thought and imagination allowing to amplify an idea of Architecture and the City, as well as the appropriation and experience of its spaces.
The overall goal of this initiative is to create new communication and dissemination channels between Universities (and respective academic communities) and the Civil Society, by opening up these institutions to society through different interactions, socialisations, studies and research projects, and by promoting an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experiences between different fields of knowledge and social strata.
Specific goals of the contest:
– Raise the awareness of the new generations towards the transforming potential of Architecture, and its relationship with the concept of City, encouraging them to explore the ideas of Utopia and Visual Spaces of Change, using them in their artistic processes;
– Increase the awareness of students and citizens towards the need to think of alternatives for the education spaces they attend, whether they have, or haven’t already been created;
– Promote a better understanding of Image and its uses as a method and a medium of representation that opens up new ways of transforming and interacting with Architecture and Urban spaces;
– Highlight the potential of Image as a medium to cross borders and dislocate boundaries between different Architecture and Art problems and applications, with a focus on University spaces.
The core themes of the contest are the ideas of Utopia and Visual Spaces of Change. The challenge is to present a visual diptic (two images) that may, or may not, combine photography and drawing. The first image, in A3 format, must represent a University space (a classroom, an auditorium, an outdoor or indoor communal area, etc.) just like it is today. The second image, also in A3 format, must offer a forward-looking and utopian vision that represents the potential of change of the same space, and the ways in which it can be experienced. Both images must be accompanied by a text explaining the ideas expressed by the visual diptic, with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 500 words.
We accept individual and collective applications, but we encourage the formation of multidisciplinary teams. The teams can consist of members with different academic profiles; however, at least one of the members must be connected to the world of Architecture, Fine Arts or Image, be enrolled in higher education or be part of a research centre. Each individual or team may only submit one work.
This initiative is specifically directed at national and international university students from any area of study. The participation of the Students’ Councils is welcome, as it facilitates the formation of multidisciplinary teams. The institutional partners of the Contest, U.Porto’s Students’ Councils and the Rectorate of U.Porto, will be responsible for receiving the submitted works, debating ideas and managing communication.
Contestants must use, at least, one of the two proposed forms of representation – Drawing and/or Photography – without limitations in terms of manipulation, including collage and photomontage, or regarding the combination of both forms of representation. The images submitted to the contest must not bear any signature or watermark. All images containing photographs must have a high printing quality; otherwise, they may not be published in U. Porto Press and scopio Editions’ catalogue.
Is it the objective of this contest that each visual narrative – diptic – communicates a real space and an idealized one capable of flourishing a new conscience about the portrayed place, stimulating people to experience these spaces from new perspectives.
Diptics that correspond to an aesthetic appropriation where architectural photography and drawing are present in a significant way and that are capable of constituting points of departure to a new understanding and perception of these places of teaching. Visions capable of documenting and registering architectures, experiences and places in permanent change, as well as constituting a way of knowledge of the real in confrontation with foresight and utopian visions of those spaces.
The works must be submitted by e-mail at dpic.vsc@arq. up.pt.
In order to be considered complete, applications must include:
1) The application form, duly completed;
2) Two separate files, in JPEG or TIFF format (with a maximum of 5 MB each), corresponding to the first and the second imagens of the visual diptic (described in CHAPTER II of this Regulation); the files must be identi ed with the abbreviated name of the project followed by the numbers 1 and 2, respectively.
3) Word document with a text explaining the visual diptic, with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 500 words.
The jury will be composed by 5 people, 3 of whom will be Editors of scopio Magazine AAI, 1 a student representing AEFAUP, and 1 Guest Jury who can be a curator, architect, artist or expert from the field of arts. The winner selected by the jury cannot be contested. The members of the management bodies of the promoting or partner institutions cannot participate in the contest.
This contest has an important component of network and internet that are understood as instruments capable of creating synergies and establishing communicative bridges and allowing a larger coverage of the message, as well as creating synergies with the diverse exhibitions related to the approached themes based on the produced contents.
The selected works will be on exhibition and published in U. Porto Press and scopio Editions’ catalogue. All authors of the selected works will receive a certificate. The jury will select one winner and, possibly, distinguish one or two works with honourable mentions; the awarded works will receive a document certifying the jury’s decision.
The works will also be featured in U.Porto Press and scopio Network’s web sites, as well as in U.Porto’s platform Sigarra. The winner of the contest will receive 3 (three) copies of U.Porto Press and scopio Edition’s catalogue, and the authors of the honourable mentions will receive 2 (two) copies. The Organising Committee will make its best efforts with the sponsors of the Contest to provide attractive prizes to the winner and the authors distinguished with honourable mentions.
Only the works that comply with this Regulation will be accepted. All other applications will be disqualified. The organising committee will only admit drawing and/or photography – based projects that meet the proposed theme and minimum standards of quality. The organising committee shall not be liable for any digital copies of the submitted photographs. Any omitted situation will be settled by the Jury of the Contest. The organising committee reserves the right to publish the works submitted to the contest, according to the Portuguese Law No. 2/99 of 13 January.
Research group AAI (FAUP) integrated in the I&D centre of FAUP (CEAU) and the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies of the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (CETAPS/FLUP), i2ADS – Institute of Research in Art, Design and Society is a R&D unit based at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture [ID+] and the Institute Arquitecture and Development (Arq.ID) based at University Lusófona of Porto, counting with the institutional support of U.Porto’s Rectorate and in partnership with AEFAUP, counting with the support of other Student Associations of U.Porto.
Partnerships: UTOPIA 500, and AEFAUP, with the institutional support of U.Porto’s Rectorate.
Fátima Vieira (coordinator)
José Carneiro
Luís Espinheira
Maria Neto
Pedro Maia
Pedro Leão Neto (coordinator)
Associated Schools / Research Centres Network
Pedro Maia (coordinator)
Luís Espinheira
Contacts: AAI / CEAU / FAUP
Universidade do Porto
Via Panorâmica s/n 4150-564 Porto